Become a Member​

To support education and advocacy for a sustainable future

To assist an organization whose mission you believe in

To network with like-minded people and organizations

Individual Annual Membership

GreeningUSA’s individual annual membership helps further our efforts of advocating for sustainable communities. Specifically, we do this by developing and growing a variety of community initiatives. Because GreeningUSA is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization with no paid staff, our success has largely been due to the outstanding support from individual members, donors and volunteers. Please click on the membership form below for more information.


We have already made a real difference in our community through the efforts of our Sustainability Academy which brings sustainable education to communities from the ground up; 12 Traits of Sustainable Communities Rating System, helping community leaders understand what it means to be a sustainable community; and monthly Green Bag Lunches, offering relevant conversations about timely topics. At our Annual Meetings, we focus on the excellent efforts of local, like-minded organizations in order to find ways to work together. At those meetings, we announce our annual “Sustaining our Communities Awards,” recognizing efforts of persons, organizations, or businesses within the community that have made a significant contribution to creating a sustainable future.


To learn more about our organization, please “like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @GreeningUSA, and check out our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of our Green Bag Lunches and our Annual Meeting.

Thank you for your interest in GreeningUSA. We hope to see you on our membership roll in the near future!


And please let us know if you would like to become involved. We’re always looking for new ideas!


  • Your contribution is tax deductible, as allowable by law. GreeningUSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in New York State.
  • Download and complete the membership form and mail it, with your check, to: GreeningUSA Membership, P.O. Box 463, Syracuse, NY 13201
  • Alternatively, you can download and complete the membership form and email it to and then pay through PayPal, using one of the buttons below.
  • Membership begins upon receipt of payment and expires on the same day at the end of your membership term. An email reminder will be sent upon expiration.
Download GUSA Member Renewal

Download GUSA New Member Registration

Membership Dues

1 year


2 years




