Meet our Board Members

John Przepiora


Scott Kushner


Peter Arsenault

12 Traits Program Manager

Message from the President of GreeningUSA.

Why I am a member of GreeningUSA.
by Diane Brandli


It was March, 2003 when Dave Ashley approached my workstation at Ashley McGraw Architects and said, “I’m starting a green group. Do you want to be part of it?”.


20 years later, I am still a part of it because I believe in our mission.  For me, it’s always been about human health. I was specifying millions of dollars worth of products that would significantly impact human health in so many ways.  When you think about it, advocating for sustainable products, clean air, clean water, toxic-free soil, workers rights, social
responsibility, sustainable land use planning and an end to climate-destroying pollution – that IS advocating for human health.


We have two choices.  We can choose to say “I am only one person” and use that as an excuse to wallow in despair and inaction. OR, we can choose to take action – even in very small ways – recognizing that we can pool our unique skill sets, knowledge and energy to join so many other like-minded individuals who ARE making a difference.


Please consider becoming a member, joining a committee or joining our Board of Directors. 

Reach out to us by email at


Thank you!