Annual Meeting and Awards

Annual Meeting and Awards GreeningUSA’s Annual Meetings focus on the excellent efforts of local, like-minded organizations in order to find ways to work together. At those meetings, we announce our annual “Sustaining our Communities Awards,” recognizing efforts of persons, organizations, or businesses within the community that have made a significant contribution to creating a sustainable… Continue reading Annual Meeting and Awards

12 Traits of Sustainable Communities

GreeningUSA 12 Traits© of Sustainable Communities Communities of all sizes, whether cities, towns, counties, or villages all are in a constant state of activity in three areas: environmental, economic and social. All three areas impact each other and ultimately determine whether the community is thriving, barely surviving, or declining. For better or for worse, the… Continue reading 12 Traits of Sustainable Communities

Sustainability Academy

Sustainability Academy Sustainability Academy is GreeningUSA’s grass roots educational outreach program,  providing sustainability-related educational experiences to members of the community.   We do this using varied venues and formats to reach those who may not have had the opportunity to learn about strategies they can use to create a sustainable future for themselves and their… Continue reading Sustainability Academy

Green Bag Lunches

Green Bag Lunches GreeningUSA’s monthly Green Bag Lunches offer relevant conversations about timely topics. Did you miss one? You can view a recording of past sessions on our YouTube channel! Overview: The concept of Green Bag Lunch is to offer an interactive forum to discuss sustainability issues, based on GreeningUSA’s 12 Traits of Sustainable Communities©.… Continue reading Green Bag Lunches